Gaming on TT

  • Gaming on TT

  • Gaming on TT

  • Gaming on TT

Brand & Partnerships




Through 2022 and into 2023, we showed up at Gamescom, EGX and Paris Games Week and set the original direction of the way the TikTok brand would show up in the events and the digital sphere of the gaming vertical. We've launched promotional campaigns, created big and small booths, shared experiences digitally and in the real world. We also entered 2023 with the creation of the first ever TikTok sub-brand "Gaming on TikTok" - fully developed in-house through the collaboration of the EMEA and the NA Brand&Creative Studio. These are just some of the extracts of a two-year sprint to set the stage globally for gaming on TikTok.


Creative & Art Direction Gamescom, EGX & PGW: Alessandro Fantini

Art Direction Gamescom, EGX & PGW: Alex Polozun

Creative Direction "Gaming on TikTok": Alessandro Fantini

Design "Gaming on TikTok": Alex Polozun, Raisa Janjua & Conor Kort

Strategy "Gaming on TikTok": Jessie Oh